Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Life on This Earth Has Become Unlivable!

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of April 22, 2023


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I bless you.

Coup!!! Coup!!! ... Soon everything will be catapulted, old things will pass away, new things will come in, Heaven is ready to intervene.

War is advancing, the wicked want to unleash Hell on earth.

My children, consecrate yourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin. Invoke the help of St. Joseph, never cease to point your eyes and hearts to the Highest where God will take you into Himself and reshape you in His Image and Likeness.

Thunder the wrath of God! This Humanity has been lost in the false lights of the Devil, life on this Earth has become unlivable: human sacrifices of innocent babies, aborted fetuses, a continuous martyrdom, a debacle My children, an immense pain, ...God can no longer bear to see His own children being slaughtered.

Lovers of your Father, Children of the Most Holy Trinity, oh you who have chosen the way of Heaven, oh you, Children of Love, behold God is acting to embrace you to Himself, to bring you the gifts of the Holy Spirit! A new Pentecost will mold you.

The time is past My children, ... it is not fulfilled, ... the time is past!!!

Terrible hours will happen!

The sun is at its solar explosions, the Earth will be hit big time, the world will go into darkness, ... a great blackout will embrace the whole Earth. The heat of the sun will burn everything, you will have no more fruit from the earth.

Hours of despair will come upon people unaware of the calls of Heaven.

This Humanity does not listen to the appeals the Lord is giving to the world in these last times! This society is fasting from Sacred Doctrine; it is too far from its Creator God.

Repent O men, repent now! Now!!! There is no more time to waste. ... Choose to return to Life, renounce Satan.

Be careful not to make a wrong choice, every man's life is decided here.

Come on, the hour is fulfilled, the thunder is to be felt throughout the Universe.

Soon, I will call My Children to My refuges where they will find rest.

These appeals are not a game!!! ... They are not lies!!!

Source: ➥